ტუროპერეტორის სახელძღვანელოები

ტურისტული ელ. წიგნების ყველაზე დიდი არჩევანი

Global Report on Adventure Tourism

Global Report on Adventure Tourism

World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Secretary-General: Taleb Rifai
Director-Executive Secretary of Member Relations: Carlos Vogeler
UNWTO editorial team
AM Reports Management: Yolanda Perdomo, Director of the Affiliate Members Programme
Editorial Team: Addaia Arizmendi, Dmitriy Ilin, José Melenez, Ignacio Ros and Inés Valenzuela, UNWTO Affiliate Members Pro -

The Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA) editorial team
Contributing authors: Christina Beckmann, Natasha Martin, Nicole Petrak, Keith Sproule
Design and printing: www.mirenvidorreta.com
Photos by UNWTO / ATTA / Dreamstime
Cover photo: Dreamstime
Copyright © 2014, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
AM Reports, Volume nine – Global Report on Adventure Tourism
Published by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Madrid, Spain.
First printing: October 2014.
All rights reserved.
Printed in Spain. 

გადმოწერა შესაძლებელია მხოლოდ ორგანიზაციის წევრებისთვის (წევრობის ფორმა - FREE)   


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