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ტურისტული ელ. წიგნების ყველაზე დიდი არჩევანი

E-Business for Tourism

E-Business for Tourism

E-Business for Tourism - Practical Guidelines for Destinations and Businesses
Published:  2001
The new forms of E-Business are offering major opportunities for all tourism destinations and suppliers, whether large or small, to improve their business and remodel it in new and more cost-effective ways. More than ever, Tourism Businesses and Destination Marketing Organizations have to face the technological changes and to handle the organizational impacts, applying the principles of collaborative working and sharing resources. The report was prepared as guidance for those who are prepared to embrace the E-Business. After explaining the concepts of E-Business and Customer Relationship Management, it provides an overview of the changing value chains and the evolving role of DMOs. It continues with practical guidelines (on a step-by-step basis and always illustrated with case studies and examples) on how DMOs should respond to the challenges by developing E-Business systems, and more specifically, how to go about developing Web sites for consumers, intermediaries, travel media and tourism businesses. Furthermore, the report is focussing on E-Business for tourism suppliers, particularly Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs). For all main sectors of the tourism industry it helps developing your E-Business strategy, gives an overview of the relevant E-Business applications and services, offers a step-by-step guide for the implementation and points out the critical success factors always accompanied with detailed case studies.

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